Tragedy strikes Germany as death toll rises with more than 1,000 dead in the last 24 hours07/01/202107/01/2021
Coronavirus: German police raid church service and find over 100 maskless worshippers07/01/202107/01/2021
Nigerian Osaremen Okolo appointed by US President-elect Biden as COVID Policy Advisor06/01/202106/01/2021
Restricting freedom of movement within a 15 km radius of outbreaks until 31 January: Merkel announces tightening of Corona restrictions in Germany – VIDEO06/01/202104/02/2022
Extension of the lockdown in Germany, first arrangements after Merkel’s meeting with the prime ministers of the federal states05/01/202105/01/2021
UK mutated Coronavirus strain emerges in South Africa – vaccines might not be effective05/01/202105/01/2021
Germany lockdown measures: Politicians call for 3-week extension of hard lockdown COVID-19 measures05/01/202105/01/2021