Living in Germany. Inflation allowance for pensioners and students. The federal government plans to introduce an additional bonus for people with low and medium earnings.
Inflation allowance for pensioners and students
The leader of the SPD, Saskia Esken, announced that the federal government would be adopting a third relief package in the days to come.
According to government sources, an “inflation premium” of between € 800 and € 1,500 is planned for people with low and middle earnings. It will be available to retirees, pensioners and students. Moreover, according to ntv, another one-off payment for Hartz IV beneficiaries is planned.
The Heizgeld heating allowance would be complemented by the Wohngeld housing allowance and, the Kurzabeitergeld short-term employment allowance would be extended. In addition to this, the coalition government is planning on another child allowance of 1,000 euros. Together with the reform of the EU’s electricity market, the new package would largely correspond to the ideas of the SPD parliamentary group.
Energy Crisis and Inflation: Relief Needed by “All Society”.
“We need a huge aid package for society as a whole,” explained Finance Minister Christian Lindner. On the other hand, Robert Habeck ruled out limiting gas prices for consumers because it will not be effective and too expensive.
Here’s a simple way to check how much you will gain from the discount packages
The Ministry of Finance has released a payroll tax relief calculator. Thanks to it, you can easily calculate what exactly the packages of reliefs I and II will bring you. The Ministry of Finance’s deduction calculator reveals what you get.
Just enter your gross salary for the current year. The calculator then calculates the exemption from the flat rate energy price and the increase in the basic tax relief and employee lump sum. This way you can check how much net discount you will get.
source: Merkur.de ,