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Corona in Germany: Saxony’s crematoria overcrowded

Saxony is one of the federal states that still has the highest coronavirus outbreak rates, and in December, deaths exploded. There is nowhere to keep the body in the Saxon crematoria.

The death toll in Saxony exploded in December, where 115 people have died there to date. In November, the number was 110 deaths, and a month earlier it was 73. Now the bodies of the deceased are transported to the hall where the materials for fighting the flood are stored – reports the website.

Tobias Wenzel of the funeral industry union reported that 80-90 percent of the bodies are incinerated in Saxony. The land has 10 crematoria, where 1,700 bodies can be stored in cold stores. All seats are taken. Transporting the body for incineration to other federal states or to the Czech Republic is not an option, as it would have to be done by truck, which, according to Wenzel, would be unworthy.

Civil registry offices also have more work to do when issuing death certificates. Therefore, officials are also to work on December 24 and 26.

Germany coronavirus deaths: 962 dead in the last 24 hours, a new absolute record. 82% of intensive care beds occupied

It should be recalled that Saxony has been the largest outbreak of coronavirus in Germany for weeks. Six out of ten counties have more than 500 infections per 100,000 inhabitants measured over seven days. In the district of Zgorzelec, where Żytawa is located, the index is 645. The government’s goal is to reduce the index to 50.Institute of Infectious Diseases Robert Koch (RKI) announced on Wednesday (December 23) 24,740 new cases of coronavirus in Germany, registered during the last 24 hours. 962 patients died of Covid-19.

The total number of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic has risen to 1,554,920 and the number of deaths has increased to 27,968, this action has also led to Germany banning flight to and from the UK to avoid more infections, we wrote about it here>>>.

source:, RKI