Refugees in Germany. . Important information for asylum seekers in Germany. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has prepared an information sheet to help asylum seekers arriving in Germany.
It provides an initial orientation and demonstrates the most important stages that asylum seekers absolutely must go through during the asylum procedure, starting with the first to the seventh step.
Here are the 7 crucial steps an asylum seeker must go through
Step 1: Report to a public authority
Step 2: Go to a reception centre
Step 3: Await your federal state allocation
Step 4: Go straight to the reception centre to which you are directed
Step 5: Submit your asylum application
Step 6: Await the decision as to which country in the European Union is responsible for your asylum application
Step 7: Await assessment of your asylum application if Germany is in charge of your application
BAMF strongly encourages asylum-seekers to follow the instructions they are given by the public authorities. “This is the quickest way to start the asylum application. There is no future in Germany without acceptance in the procedure,” says BAMF.
Click here to download the fact sheet
What documents are needed in order to apply for asylum?
This application is your first appointment at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The office will ask you for your personal details, as well as about your place of residence, your schooling and training, language knowledge and the travel route that you have taken.
Always bring the following documents with you in paper form if you have them so that your asylum application can be processed quickly:
Personal documents – only original documents
- passport
- ID card
- school ID card
- birth certificate
- driving licence
- excerpt from the family record
- family register
- wedding certificate
- military ID card
- service ID card
- membership card
- evidence of employment
- certificates (the certificate will only be copied, and you can take the original with you after having applied for asylum)
Documentation of your reasons for flight
- photographs
- court judgements or orders
- arrest warrants
- reports regarding police investigations or other documents from the police
- threatening letters
- newspaper articles (specifically stating names)
- baptism certificate
- social media posts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) referring to your reasons for flight
- other documents, such as letters from witnesses;
- Attestations
- medical attestation
- doctor’s letter
- psychological report
- attestation of violent acts/torture
- other certificate
- Attestations
Find the check list provided by BAMF here:
Points to note:
It is necessary that you only bring documents that are relevant to your case and that you might also need to bring print outs of these documents.
Attestations may be from your country of origin, from a third country or from Germany.
Consult a doctor if necessary.
Please also state your address if you are not accommodated in an initial reception facility and were allocated to other type of accommodation.
When you have made your asylum application, you will be given permission to reside (Aufenthaltsgestattung) for the duration of your asylum procedure. You will need to have it with you at all times.
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