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Racism in UK: MPs offer Child Q apology, teacher ‘sacked’ after calling police on the black school girl

Child Q: The teacher who called police on a black school girl, now dubbed Child Q, was ‘sacked’ as it appears there was a racist motive behind their call for assistance.

The Hackney school teacher phoned the police after suspecting that the girl could have been carrying drugs.

Child Q denied the teacher’s accusations and they searched her bag, blazer, scarf, and shoes without finding anything of significance.

According to, police were called and arrived at the school where officers conducted a “traumatic” strip-search while the child was on her period. No drugs were found.

Addressing a protest outside Stoke Newington police station on 18th March 2022, a protester who was relaying messages on behalf of Child Q, her family and her legal teams, said the teacher had been fired. ” Child Q has two legal teams. One is taking action against the police and one is taking action against the school. Within the school, the teacher that called the police was still there – I got the call about half an hour ago that the teacher has now been sacked,” quoted the protester to have said.

READ RELATED ARTICLE: Racism in UK: Child Q, Black schoolgirl who was strip-searched while on period to sue Met police

The incident came to light after a Local Child Safeguarding Practice review found that racism was ‘likely to have been an influencing factor in the decision to undertake a strip search.’

The search took place on Thursday, December 3, 2020.

In a written statement to the review, the girl said she cannot go a single day “without wanting to scream, shout, cry or just give up”.

“All the people that allowed this to happen need to be held responsible. I was held responsible for a smell … but I’m just a child. The main thing I need is space and time to understand what has happened to me and exactly how I feel about it and getting past this exam season,” Police Professional quoted Child Q to have said.

She said that she hoped that what had been done to her is not done to anyone else ever again and that no one else can do this to any other child in their care.