Africans in Germany. Ghanaian-German Eugene Boateng wins best Actor in a leading role for his role in movie ‘Borga‘ at the Africa Movie Academy Awards.

To the Ghanaian-born actor this was one his biggest awards appreciating his work and his talent and what he termed as ‘the biggest recognition’.
Boateng posted a picture of himself at the event ground with the caption: “Being a Ghanaian born in Germany, I always had an identity crisis! Was I Ghanaian enough? Was I German enough. But my father made sure that we stick to our mother tongue. Twi! I was only allowed to speak twi at home. That allowed me to always know and be sure about where I am from and where my home is. Ghana! That gave me the chance to work at home on this project @borga_themovie without a language barrier.”
He added that the nominations for the Africa Movie Academy Awards meant to him that Africa had seen him and acknowledged him as one of it’s own!
Winning the Best Actor in a leading role in Africa felt to Eugene like African was officially crowing him as an African and he was beyond grateful he got to experience that.
“I will work and walk on this earth as a proud Ghanaian African man on the shoulders of my ancestors while I am preparing my shoulders so that the next generations can walk on them!” he wrote.
The star’s famous movie also managed to win Best screenplay @yorkfabianraabe @tokomox and Best Supporting Actor @adjeteyanang!
Eugene finished off by thanking all and everyone and sent congratulations to all the winners and much respect and appreciation for all the nominees and the filmmakers.
Eugene Boateng awarded the best actor by German Film critic
Ghanaian-German Actor Eugene Boateng wins award at Ghana Movie Awards 2020 for movie ‘Borga’
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Ghanaian-German Actor Eugene Boateng: biography, family, relationship, career