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Germany coronavirus pandemic: Thuringia will not admit unvaccinated people to hospitals?

Germany coronavirus pandemic: Hospitals in Thuringia are overburdened and doctors overwhelmed. A few days ago, the prime minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelov, warned that hospitals would soon be banned from receiving people not vaccinated against Covid-19. 

Germany’s state of the coronavirus pandemic worsens as the Prime Minster of the state of Thuringia could set a new regulation in place.

He explained that these people would be transferred to other federal states for treatment.

On Monday, the German Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) released data showing that intensive care units across Thuringia is already overloaded.

Thuringia is the federal state of Germany with overcrowded hospitals due to the surge in Covid-19 cases. According to DIVI, every fifth bed in intensive care was occupied by a person with coronavirus. Almost half of the branches are overcrowded.

In connection with the current situation, the SPD and the Greens call for tightening the regulations and the introduction of the 2G principle throughout Germany, i.e. access to public places only for the vaccinated and for those who have recovered.

Difficult situation in Thuringia

According to the data of the Association of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI) in Thuringia, 87.2% of intensive care beds are already occupied. The percentage of covid patients there is 21.2%. The seven-day incidence rate for Covid-19 rose to a record 427.5 on Monday.

The prime minister of Thuringia warns that hospitals will not admit the unvaccinated

Thuringia’s prime minister, Bodo Ramelow, said the pandemic is raging again in Germany because of the unvaccinated people. In Thuringia, where infections are high and there is a shortage of beds in hospitals. Patients must take into account the fact that they will be transported to other federal states for treatment.

The 2G rule across the country, i.e. lockdown for the unvaccinated

Now we need to break the fourth wave quickly, “said state president Georg Maier (SPD). His party is calling for the introduction of the 2G rule (from the German words  geimpft  and  genesen for vaccinated and healed ) across the country.

It means restricting access to restaurants, clubs and other public places only for vaccinated and convalescent people. Maier added that unvaccinated workers, on the other hand, should be tested in the workplace on a daily basis. The SPD also sees mandatory, independent of incidence, school testing as an appropriate measure to fight the pandemic.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recorded on Monday, November 8, in the morning, a seven-day incidence (weekly incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants) of 201.1. The record so far was achieved during the second wave, on December 22, 2020, and it was 197.6. The day before it was 191.5, a week ago 154.8 (previous month 63.8)
