Germany prepares for power cuts: The German government warned of ‘giant power cuts’ due to Putin’s policy.
With the war still ensuing in Ukraine then Germany’s’ gas supplies have dwindling and could lead to a crisis. German media reported that the German Industry is getting ready for a possible ‘great black out’. ‘power cuts would also be unavoidable.’
Germany readies itself for power cuts
Putin made a declaration that ‘hostile/unfriendly countries’ such as Germany and other EU Member states would have to pay for gas supplies in Russian currency – Rubles.
READ ABOUT IT HERE: Panic strikes EU after Putin makes declaration – ‘hostile’ countries to pay for gas in rubles
The federal government rejected an immediate embargo on gas, oil and coal from Russia. Supplies of Russian raw materials are now continued, but the government has taken steps to gradually reduce imports.
The Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW) called on the Federal government to declare and early warning level in the national gas emergency plan.
“There are concrete and serious signs that we are worsening our gas supply situation,” said BDEW chief executive Kerstin Andreae.
Possibility of power outage in Germany could lead to a nationwide disaster
BILD reported that should the Russian President turn off all taps or Germany ceases to import energy from Russia, then households will have priority in supplies from warehouses.
This is due to the “Gas Emergency Plan for the Federal Republic of Germany”, which was published in September 2019.
The act states that household are subject to special protection and have priority in energy supplies this means that it is unlikely that consumers will have to freeze in the coming winter.
There could however be some interruptions in the supply of energy resource which may cause a huge crisis in many sectors of the economy.