Life in Germany. Changes on rules for granting citizenship. The German government is preparing a legislative reform to simplify the procedure for obtaining German citizenship.
According to the draft law on granting German citizenship, naturalization is possible after living in Germany for five years. However, some may obtain a German citizenship after only 3 years of legal residence.
Children born in Germany automatically receive citizenship
Procedures for granting German citizenship for children born in Germany will also change. The child will automatically receive a German passport at birth, if one of their parents has lived in Germany for at least five years. This requirement is currently at at least 8 years.
German citizenship after 3 years of legal residence
A foreigner will be able to obtain a German passport after only three years, if they prove special integration, usually through a strong social commitment or knowledge of the German language at the B2 level. The new changes will allow non-EU nationals to naturalise without having to give up their second nationality.
Removal of language test for seniors
The naturalization of people from the generation of immigrant workers who came to Germany in the 1970s is to be facilitated. “Their integration has not been encouraged for many years,”
The German government plans to lift the German language requirement for persons over 67. This is the so-called Gastarbeiter-Generation. According to the changes, communication skills would suffice for them, and naturalization applicants from this group would not have to pass the German language exam at B1 level.
Dual nationality for non-EU citizens
Many foreigners do not apply for German citizenship because they are usually forced to renounce their original nationality. The new changes will also allow non-EU nationals to naturalise without having to give up their second nationality.
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Source: BILD