Recovery certificates in Germany: European Commission has announced that EU will be able to issue recovery certificates based on a positive rapid antigen test result immediately.

Previously it was only possible to acquire a recovered certificate after a positive result from PCR test . But due to overstretched PCR testing capacities throughout the EU, the commission has decided to downgrade the requirement.
Citizens will now be able to to acquire EU-wide evidence of having overcome a COVID infection after a rapid test. However, this test should only be carried out by by qualified personnel and be listed on on the EU list of rapid antigen tests for COVID-19. EU also announced that EU countries can also issue certificates retroactively on the basis of tests conducted as from 1st October 2021.
When will it be possible for Germans to get recovered certificates based on rapid test?
It is still unclear when the new EU rule for certificates based on rapid tests will be implemented in Germany. The EU announcement stated that countries like Germany can issue certificates as soon as they re ready to do so.
According to an interview with the ministry of health on clarification on when the rule will be applied in Germany, their spoke person said that the issuing of of EU digital certificates is optional for member states. He further added that EU is reacting flexibly to the lack of PCR tests but Germany has enough PCR tests to check more precisely whether someone is infected.
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