Child benefit, a monthly allowance provided in Germany for each child, amounts to 250 euros. However, not all parents find this sum sufficient. For those in need of extra financial assistance, there is Kinderzuschlag (KiZ), an additional subsidy complementing Kindergeld. This aims to prevent children from experiencing poverty. In 2024, the supplement for child allowance has been raised, resulting in increased financial support for parents starting this month. Here is the amount.
How much is Kinderzuschlag in 2024?
Kindergeld remained unchanged in 2024, with the last adjustment occurring in January 2023, raising the benefit to 250 euros monthly per child. Starting in 2025, the conventional family allowance is set to be replaced by a new benefit named Kindergrundsicherung (basic child allowance).
Read also: January 2024 Kindergeld and Kinderzuschlag payment dates
However, certain parents in Germany who receive Kindergeld might also qualify for an additional supplement called Kinderzuschlag. In contrast to the standard allowance, Kinderzuschlag experienced an increase in 2024. As of January 1, 2024, families with modest incomes can now receive up to 292 euros per child, surpassing the previous monthly maximum of 250 euros per child.
Who receives Kinderzuschlag?
Kinderzuschlag is a support program available to parents in Germany with steady yet modest incomes, designed for children under 25 residing in the same household. Families with a minimum monthly income of 900 euros (for couples) or 600 euros (for single parents) are eligible to apply for this supplement.
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Important: The calculation of parental income includes factors such as monthly wages, pensions or old-age pensions, as well as unemployment or sickness benefits. It’s important to note that this calculation does not factor in receipts from Kindergeld and Wohngeld.

How to apply for Kinderzuschlag in Germany?
To apply for the supplement, you must submit your application to the Familienkasse. You can obtain the appropriate application forms either in person from your local family fund or by downloading them from the family fund website. It’s crucial to be aware from the outset that you will need to furnish a significant amount of pertinent data and certificates. This includes income certificates for the last six months, utility bills, and heating cost certificates.
Child benefit serves as a gateway to various other benefits, including exemptions from nursery fees, reimbursement for school meals, or provision of school supplies. Moreover, in addition to income, the assessment also considers the cost of living and heating expenses. Therefore, a higher heating bill increases the likelihood of qualifying for the supplement.
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A family consisting of five members, with a gross income of €4,800 and a rent, including heating, of €990, was just below the summer allowance limit. However, with the rent, including heating, increasing to €1,290 during the winter due to elevated heating costs, the family now qualifies for an immediate child supplement.
Who is not eligible to receive Kinderzuschlag
According to information on Arbeitsagentur.de, Kinderzuschlag is not provided to parents who are recipients of Citizens’ Income (Bürgergeld), formerly known as Hartz IV.
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How long will you receive Kinderzuschlag?
After approving the application, the family fund awards supplementary child benefit (Kinderzuschlag) for six months and disburses it alongside the regular child benefit (Kindergeld). After the initial six-month period, it is necessary to reapply. Payments are directed to the parent who receives Kindergeld. However, it’s crucial to notify the family fund of any changes, such as the arrival of a new family member or a change of residence. In such cases, the child allowance supplement (Kinderzuschlag) will be recalculated accordingly.