Germany: People in Germany are entitled to some benefits and allowances depending on their situation. Here’s are some key changes to certain benefits and allowances in Germany in 2022:

Child allowance increases
Child allowance (Kinderzuschlag) will increase in 2022 to 209 euros per month.
Maintenance advance (Unterhaltsvorschuss) – which is given to single parents who receive no/irregular payments will also increase in line with he rising amount of maintenance.
This means from January 1st, 2022, the maximum amount available is between 177 and 314 euros, depending on the age of the child.
READ MORE ABOUT KINDERGELD HERE: Kindergeld allowance in 2022. How much will it be and who can apply for it?
Germany changes benefits allowances 2022: Increase in Hartz IV
Those elgible to receive social assistance of unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) are to receive more money from January 2022. Adults who are single stand the most to benefit with their benefits increasing by three euros to 499 euros per month.
The standard rates for children and young people is also increasing.
More households eligible for housing benefit
January 1st, 2022 will see housing benefits Germany be automatically adjusted every two years according to rent and income developments. This means low-income households will still continue to receive the benefit.
READ RELATED ARTICLE: Housing allowance in Germany Wohngeld: questions and answers about the possibility and method of applying
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Germany changes benefits allowances 2022: More financial relief for those in need of Care-givers
Germany will also be providing more relief to those in need of care, caregiver relatives, and care staff. People who are in need of care in their homes will receive an extra supplement from their long-term care insurance from January 1st to ensure they are not overwhelmed by the rising cost of care. We talked about it here: