Guides to living in Germany. Wohngeld in Germany – here’s what benefits you can combine with your housing benefit:
Wohngeld in Germany: who is entitled to housing allowance in Germany?
Wohngeld translated to English means ‘money for housing’ and it is a supplement to the rent or living costs,which can be received by all persons registered in Germany with income not exceeding a certain annual ceiling.
The sum is not a grant or a handout from the state, but a grant to which all those who meet the specified requirements are entitled.
The allowance is intended to provide decent housing for the less fortunate. The money received under the housing supplement dos not have to be reimbursed even if the persons economic standards improve. In this case, the payment of the bonus will be withheld.
Some common questions about the Wohngeld conditions are: Which benefits cannot be combined and who cannot get Rent Supplement? Here are a few answers:
When filling in the applications for Wohngeld, you must declare what benefits you receive in Germany. Working parents in Germany receive child benefits.
Most receive Kindergeld and many also receive Kinderzuschlag. Neither of these allowances are included in your family’s income and neither will prevent you from applying for Rent Supplement.
Social Hartz IV and Wohngeld housing allowance
According to Polskiobserwator, if you are receiving HARTZ IV social assistance, you cannot receive the Wohngeld Housing Supplement. Under the law, both forms of financial assistance are mutually exclusive.
Other social welfare benefits which prevent you from receiving Rent Supplement:
- various types of social benefits
- benefits charged due to disability or old age.
Source: source: Wohngeld.org