Traffic fines in Germany. Strict bans in Germany. During the busy workweek, many tasks, including car washing, often get postponed. For many people, the logical choice is to handle car washing on a day off. However, specific regulations govern this practice, set at the national level in Germany. Whether you can wash your car on a public holiday depends on the regulations of the state. Here’s all you need to know to avoid fines:
Strict bans in Germany: Regulations for each federal state
- Baden-Württemberg: Under the Public Holidays Act in, performing publicly noticeable work on Sundays and holidays is generally prohibited unless an exception applies. Car washing may be allowed if it does not create noise disturbances and is not visible to the public eye. This means car washing might be permissible under certain conditions. It should not disrupt the tranquility of the holiday or be evident to others.
Read also: New traffic fines in Germany: Find out what drivers risk in 2024 - Bavaria: Car washes can operate from 12:00 onwards on Sundays and public holidays, with the exception of specific religious holidays. However, noisy activities are generally prohibited during main worship hours to respect religious observances. This means that car washing services should avoid creating disturbances during times when religious services are typically held.
- Berlin: The Public Holidays Act prohibits visibly noticeable work on Sundays and holidays, but it allows exceptions, such as work that cannot be postponed or self-service car washes. However, washing cars on private property must follow the regulation to avoid any publicly visible activities during these times. This requires conducting certain car washing activities discreetly on private premises to prevent public visibility
- Brandenburg: Performing publicly visible work on Sundays and holidays is generally prohibited unless specific exceptions apply, such as operating car washes. However, washing your car on your property could be illegal if it is visible to the public during restricted times. Therefore, it’s important to adhere to local regulations and ensure that any activities conducted on private property remain discreet and do not cause disturbance or visibility to the public during prohibited hours.
- Bremen: Generally, performing noticeable work on Sundays and holidays is prohibited in Germany, but there are exceptions to this rule. Light activities around the house and garden are generally permitted as long as they do not disturb others who are enjoying their day off. Washing your car on private property could potentially fall into this category of permissible activities, provided that it is done discreetly and does not cause disturbance to neighbors or others in the vicinity.
- Hamburg: Under the Public Holidays Act, the Senate has the authority to designate certain working days as special holidays or to restrict events. This includes imposing restrictions on activities like car washing on Sundays, public holidays, and certain special or commemorative days.
- Hesse: The Public Holidays Act safeguards non-working days as rest days in Germany. Generally, visibly noticeable work is prohibited on these days unless expressly permitted by federal or state law. Washing your car in front of your home may be allowed as a non-commercial, light activity, provided it does not disrupt religious services or cause disturbances to others.
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What about other federal states?
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: On Sundays and public holidays in Germany, publicly visible work is prohibited unless it falls within specific permitted exceptions. The operation of car washes, including coin-operated and self-service car washes, is generally permitted on Sundays, with the exception of certain public holidays such as Easter Sunday, Whitsunday, Remembrance Day, and Remembrance Sunday.
- Lower Saxony: On Sundays and holidays, publicly noticeable activities are generally prohibited, except for work that cannot be postponed or non-commercial activities within the home and garden. Washing your car at home may be allowed as long as you do not disturb anyone else in the process.
- North Rhine-Westphalia: On Sundays and holidays, all visibly noticeable work is generally prohibited unless explicitly permitted. Depending on local regulations and noise levels, washing cars on your own property may be allowed as a permissible activity, as long as it does not disturb the public or cause disruptions.
- Rhineland-Palatinate: The Act on the Protection of Sundays and Holidays includes provisions to maintain peace on Sundays and holidays. Washing your car on your own property may be allowed as long as it does not disturb anyone.
- In Saarland: On Sundays and holidays, activities that are visibly disruptive or inappropriate for the day are not allowed. Car washing is permitted as long as it is done quietly and without drawing attention.
- Saxony: Sundays and holidays are respected as days of rest and spiritual reflection. Visible tasks and activities are not allowed on these days. Car washing is allowed on Sundays, but not on specific public holidays. Washing your car at home might be allowed as non-business work in certain situations.
- Saxony-Anhalt: Sundays and public holidays are designated as days of general rest in Germany. On these days, activities that are visible to the general public are prohibited. Car washes may be open on Sundays, but not on certain public holidays.
- Schleswig-Holstein: Sundays and holidays are designated as days of general rest in Germany. Activities that are visibly disruptive or contrary to the nature of these days are prohibited. While car washing at home is not explicitly mentioned, automatic car washes and self-service car washes are generally permitted on these days
.Read also: All Drivers in Germany to Face New Obligations Starting July 2024 - Thuringia: Sundays and public holidays are legally defined as days of rest in Germany. During these times, activities that are visibly disruptive and could disturb the external peace are prohibited. When washing cars on these days, it’s important to conduct the activity in a manner that aligns with the peaceful nature of the day and avoids unnecessary disruptions, especially noise disturbances