Refugees in Germany. Refugees in Germany can now attend language courses for free to be taught basic knowledge on the German language which could lead to more opportunities for them.
“Talented young refugees will be taught the necessary basic knowledge of the German language up to language level B1 in a short time. “In addition to this, participants should be prepared for follow-up measures such as scholarships or gifted programs,” wrote Gambian activist Yahya Sonko in a post.
The target group of the project are young refugees (up to about 30 years) in the Stuttgart area who want to start or continue their studies in Germany.
They must meet certain criteria in order to be included in the funding according to the guidelines for the University Guarantee Fund (RL-GF-H)/Otto Benecke scholarship, the Integra scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service or a comparable scholarship after successful completion of the German B1 course level become.
Contact persons for interested refugees are the language course office of the Deutschkolleg Stuttgart, the advisers of the AWO or In Via.
It is best that refugees in Germany know that participation in the German courses is FREE OF CHARGE for the participants.
Further information and the individual course dates can be found in the flyer of the Deutschkolleg Stuttgart.

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