Life in Germany. Benefits in Germany 2024. In the face of growing inflation and the energy crisis, German consumers encounter financial challenges. Addressing these issues, the German government has initiated several assistance programs to aid residents in coping with the prevailing economic strains. In 2024, individuals residing and working in Germany can avail themselves of diverse forms of support, including benefits, allowances, or tax breaks. Here are the benefits in Germany 2024 you are entitled to.
Kindergeld family allowance
Kindergeld is a family benefit in Germany designed to offer financial assistance to parents or guardians of children. This monthly payment, provided by the German state, is intended to help cover the expenses associated with raising a child. Eligibility for Kindergeld extends to parents or legal guardians until the child reaches the age of 18. Unlike in Poland, Germany allows parental benefits to be paid to an adult child, particularly if they are continuing education or vocational training, with support potentially continuing until the child reaches 25 years old. In certain situations, such as the child experiencing long-term illness or disability, Kindergeld may be paid without age restrictions. As of 2024, the family allowance in Germany is EUR 250 for each child. Additionally, citizens of other countries residing and working in Germany can also apply for Kindergeld, provided they meet specific criteria.
Read also: April 2024 in Germany: Changes in parental allowance and cannabis law
Kinderzuschlag, an add-on to Kindergeld
KiZ, or Kinderzuschlag, is an extra child benefit disbursed in conjunction with Kindergeld. As of 2024, this benefit amounts to a maximum of EUR 292 per month for each child. The precise value of KiZ is contingent on the family’s income.
To qualify for this additional financial support, it is imperative to submit an application to the Familienkasse, as the benefit is not automatically granted. The eligibility criteria include having a monthly income of at least EUR 900 for couples or EUR 600 for single mothers or fathers.
Read also: Higher support for low-income families: Kinderzuschlag increased in Germany

Wohngeld – rent allowance for owners and tenants
Wohngeld in Germany, commonly referred to as housing allowance, serves as state financial assistance intended to ensure suitable living conditions for individuals with low to moderate incomes. Provided monthly as a subsidy, Wohngeld does not require repayment, even if the household’s financial situation improves. The support extends to both tenants grappling with high rental costs and apartment owners.
In 2024, the Wohngeld housing benefit reaches a maximum of €370 per month and is accessible to both single individuals and families. This allowance is not automatically disbursed; an application must be submitted. The application process, while not complicated, involves obtaining information and necessary forms from municipal or district Wohngeld offices. Once the application is processed, the housing allowance is granted on a monthly basis for either a 12 or 18-month duration.
Read also: German government increases monthly Wohngeld subsidy by €190 on average
Immediate Sofortzuschlag allowance
The German government provides immediate support (Sofortzuschlag) of €20 per month to specifically assist economically disadvantaged children, adolescents, and young adults entitled to the following benefits:
- Benefits include those outlined in the second and twelfth books of the German Social Code (SGB II and SGB XII)
- Benefits under the Act on benefits for asylum seekers, supplemental assistance with living costs
- Child allowance.
This payment is automatically processed through the relevant offices, namely vocational activation offices and Family Benefits Offices. No application is required, and the disbursement is made seamlessly. Further details can be obtained from the Federal Employment Agency.