Life in Germany. Citizenship income (Bürgergeld). From January 2023, Hartz IV became Bürgergeld citizen income. When should you expect it and how much will you receive? Here are all the payment dates and the amount of the allowance.
Beneficiaries who receive Hartz IV don’t have to do anything to start receiving Citizen Income. It will be charged automatically. Citizenship income is also an option for people whose income from work is not enough to cover the cost of living.
The amount and dates of payment in 2023
The 2023 Income payment has been hanging in the balance for a long time. The ruling coalition and the federal states finally reached a compromise on this issue on November 22. From January 2023, the standard Bürgergeld rate increased by €50 on average and will be:
- Children up to 5 years 318 euros per month
- Children from 6 to 13 years old will receive 348 euros per month
- Children aged 14 to 17 are to receive €420 .
- For couples living together, €451 per month is provided .
- 502 euros per month for single people.
Civic Income Payment Dates in 2023:
- August 2023 : Friday, July 28, 2023
- September 2023 : Thursday, August 31, 2023
- October 2023 : Friday, September 29, 2023
- November 2023 : Tuesday 10/31/2023
- December 2023 : Thursday, 30/11/2023
- January 2024 : Friday, December 29, 2023
Who is entitled to the Bürgergeld
According to the Buerger-Geld.de portal, anyone who wants to qualify for the benefit must have the following requirements:
- Need real help
- Be able to work at least 3 hours a day
- Be registered in Germany (Anmeldung) and have your life center here
- Be at least 15 years old and have not yet reached the retirement age
Read also:
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Source: Buerger-geld.org