Africans in Italy. Khaby Lame granted Italian citizenship. Khaby Lame the most followed person on Tiktok has finally been granted Italian citizenship after being in the country for more than 21 years.
Lame took his oath of citizenship on the 17th of August in Chiavasso, a municipality northeast of Turin, the local government has said.
The social media sensation is best known for his droll and completely wordless reactions to internet ‘life hacks’ and now also has a comic book after him that he wrote. We wrote about it here: Senegalese TikTok sensation Khaby Lame releases new comic book ‘Super Easy’ for fans.

With Khaby Lame’s fame hitting an all time high during the pandemic, it also shone a torch on Italy’s unfavourable rules regarding citizenship and the government;s treatment of thousands of young immigrants who were born in Italy on raised by non-Italians.
Responding to the sudden rush of attention over the matter, Italy’s deputy interior minister, Carlo Sibilia, said in a now-deleted tweet on 24 June that Lame’s citizenship application recently was approved, wrote Independent.