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Germany: Termination of mobile phone or internet contracts will be easier

Termination of contract with operator in Germany: Are you not satisfied with your mobile operator or internet provider? Find out how to easily terminate a contract with them. Here are some changes from December 1, 2021.

Phone users will be able to terminate the contracts with an operator or internet provider in Germany.

Termination of the contract with an operator or internet provider in Germany

Contracts for a mobile subscription, internet or landline telephone in Germany are concluded at a minimum period of two years. During this time period, the client is bound by the contract and has to pay monthly bills. After the minimum period for which the contract was concluded with the supplier has elapsed, it can be terminated.

Until now, most operators had stipulated that the contract will be automatically extended for another 12 months, if it is not terminated within an APPROPRIATE period (a maximum of 3 months before its end).

From December 1, operators will no longer be able to ‘retain’ their customers after the minimum contract period has expired. From that day on, it will be much easier to terminate your contract with a mobile network operator or internet provider in Germany.

Termination of the contract with an operator in Germany after December 1, 2021.

Due to the change in the German Telecommunications Law, from December 1, 2021, consumers will be able to withdraw from the provider’s services after a minimum contract period of one month . This applies not only to new, but also to existing contracts, explains the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advisory centre.

Changes for people who move

From December 1, customers will be able to withdraw from the contract within a minimum contract period with one month’s notice if the supplier is unable to provide his services in the new place of residence. The same applies if there is already a contract with another operator in the new apartment and you cannot use the services of the old provider.

As of next month, suppliers will also need to inform their existing customers in writing once a year if their contracts are now available on better terms. This way, consumers will be able to avoid costly old contracts.

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How can you terminate the contract for a mobile and internet subscription?

There are several ways to terminate a concluded contract. This can be done by sending an e-mail, letter, SMS or fax.

It is important that it can be determined from the statement sent that it is the customer who wants to terminate the contract. For the termination to be effective, it is imperative that it is received by your operator or internet provider.

If the operator has not regulated the form of termination in any way, it can be done even by phone. However, we strongly advise against this! In case of any doubts, it is the consumer who has to prove that the termination of the contract was reached by the other party, i.e. the service provider.

WE ADVISE that the termination notice is sent by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt. Only in this way will we be sure that our cancellation has reached the supplier. 
