From April 2021, new regulations worth knowing about will come into force in Germany. Here’s what’s changing.
1. Mass testing for COVID-19 in schools and companies

There will be mass rapid testing in schools and daycare is to be extended. The goal is for all pupils, children, teachers and daycare workers to be test twice a week for the virus.
Companies are being advised to have their employees tested once of if possible twice a week. Some states like Berlin have already suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to the blood clots from the 30th of March, we wrote about it HERE.
2. Lockdown extension to 18th April with the exemption of Easter Holiday
Chancellor Angela Merkel and state leaders agreed on March 22nd to extend the lockdown in Germany to the 18th of April. State leaders have agreed to stick to nationals rules including strict lockdown curfews in areas with high infections rates.
3. COVID-19 vaccinations will be able to be administered by General practitioners
Family doctors will be able to to give out vaccinations as the quantities that are to be expected will be higher an hence will facilitate the vaccination of large numbers of people.
The initial number of vaccinations carried at the GP will be fairly low with steady increase with increased supply of the doses.
German newspaper FAZ reported that until April 25th vaccinations will initially be carried out only with Biontech/Pfizer, not with the vaccines from Moderna and AstraZeneca.
the first shipment of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine will be scheduled to arrive soon.
4. Salary Increment for those in the public sector
Employees in the public secort can look foward to a salry increament from April as wages will be increased by 1.4 per cent. This is a rise of at least €50 a month.
According to the Interior Ministry, trainees and apprentices will also receive at least €50 more per month from April 1st.
The pay rise, agreed through collective bargaining, will also be applied to federal civil servants.
Members of the federal government, federal ministers, state secretaries and presidents of the highest federal courts are excluded from the pay increases.
5. Driving requirements for stick shift and automatic cars

In Germany, anyone who took the driving test in an automatic car was only allowed to drive automatic cars after they passed their test. From April, the restriction on the type of gear will be lifted.
Drivers will be allowed to use a car with a manual gear stick even if they passed the driving test with an automatic car.
However, learner drivers must have received at least 10 of their lessons in a car with a manual stick so they are able to use it.
6. New regulations for cash register receipt
German supermarkets and stores with cash registers have to add more information to till receipts from the 1st of April.
This is as well as various codes for accounting like the start and the end time of the checkout process has to be noted on the slip to record how fact cash was collected.
7. People to change winter tyres
From October to spring, drivers should have winter tyres on, according to experts. That means in April drivers can switch to summer tyres.
There is no general obligation to have winter tyres in Germany. However, according to the ADAC, tyres must be suitable for the weather. In winter conditions with snow and ice, you can’t be on the road with unsuitable tyres.