Africans in Italy. Nigerian man from Salerno murdered. A Nigerian man residing in Italy was violently attacked and murdered in Civitanova in what appears to be a racist hate crime.
The gruesome ordeal took place on the 29th of July 2022 at 14:30 and has taken many by surprise. Videos of the scene were analysed revealing that the Nigerian man was first hit with a stick, then thrown to the ground and murdered.
The man was attacked and killed in broad daylight, in the presence of many people who did not intervene or call the police. They just stood there watching, filming the killing and taking photos.
The images showed the victim, Alika Ogorchukwu (39), being chased by a young man along the street and once the man caught up to him, he used the cane that the Nigerian man was using as a walking aid to assault him. Alika was walking using a cane due to the fact he had endured an accident and had motor difficulties hence the need for the extra support.
The fact there are several videos and pictures online also raises the question why passers-by would rather record a man fighting for his life than help or alert the police.

His attacker, Filippo Claudio Giuseppe Ferlazo (32), was born in Austria and is a resident in Salerno and lives in Civitanova. He is a man of sturdy build as his frame helped him to be able to sit on his victim, keep his head pressed to the ground and despite shouts from an angry crowd saying he was going to kill Alika, he ended up killing him and fleeing the scene.
The police were immediately alerted and they quickly tracked down the attacker while he as trying to get away and blocked him. They were able to identify him due to help from witnesses who helped the agents locate Filipo.
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The Nigerian man was with his wife that afternoon and witnesses say they heard him talking to her and this provoked a mad reaction from the man which resulted in his murder.
Charity Oriachi, the wife of the victim said: “I need justice for my husband. The pain is too much for me, I need justice. I miss him so much.”
The local mayor has promised to help the family by taking care of the funeral expenses.
The attacker, originally from Salerno and a resident in the city, has since been taken to a police station and has been arrested.
According to Cronschemaceratesi, the autopsy on the 39-year-old who was murdered will be carried out next weekend entrusted to the coroner, Ilaria De Vitis.
The victim worked as a street vendor, he was often seen around Macerata and Civitanova. He was married, had a son and lived with them in San Severino. Today he was in Civitanova to work.
The investigations are conducted by the Macerata mobile squad, directed by the chief commissioner Matteo Luconi.