The Nigerian Embassy in Berlin launched a public complaints unit to curb fraudulent activities meted on innocent/unsuspecting Nigerians that will receive and process complaints about such illegal activities.

The embassy took note of nefarious activity surrounding some people who have been taking advantage of Nigerians seeking to secure appointment for passport renewal to charge them for the service that is supposed to be free.
The official statement said, ” It has come to attention of the Embassy that certain people have been taking undue advantage of Nigerians seeking to secure appointments for passport renewal at the Embassy. We wish to bring to the attention of all passport applicants that APPOINTMENT FOR PASSPORT IS FREE (NOT PAID FOR).”
It was also highlighted that Nigerians in Germany should be well aware that anyone asking for any payment to get an appointment is engaging in extortion.
In order to mitigate fraudulent activities meted on innocent/unsuspecting Nigerians, the Embassy had established a “PUBLIC COMPLAINTS UNIT” that will receive and process complaints about such illegal activities.
READ MORE: Nigerian Embassy in Berlin announces Passport intervention exercise in Cologne
Nigerian Embassy in Berlin: New instructions on how to set up passport application appointments
The embassy also shared information on where to report illegal activity pertaining to/issuance of passports. All who wish to report can please call/send a WhatsApp message to +49 176 2930 9426.
Alternatively, send an email to [email protected]
It was also announced that all complaints/reports will be confidential and those renewing their passports should remember that that all passport appointments for renewal at the embassy are free.