No room for intensive care! COVID patients from France and Belgium transferred to Germany for treatment05/11/202005/11/2020
Germany: Mayor of Berlin, Michael Mueller, in quarantine – he had contact with someone infected05/11/202005/11/2020
German-Austrian border: Checks at all border crossings with Austria after the terrorist attack in Vienna05/11/202005/11/2020
The situation in Germany is “dangerous and unacceptable”. Test capacity, at the limit04/11/202004/11/2020
Merkel warns, “Follow the rules! The health system is approaching its human and structural limits. “04/11/202004/11/2020
Germany risks a record of intensive care hospitalisations. “The situation is more dramatic than in the spring,” experts warn03/11/202003/11/2020
Serious violence in Germany: Frankfurt police officers attacked by hundreds of people with stones, bottles and eggs – VIDEO03/11/202003/11/2020