Weather in Germany. A powerful autumn storm named storm ‘Peggy’ is brewing off the west coast of Europe hoping to turn the weather upside down in Germany. After a hot start to the week with 30 degrees, the weather will change this Wednesday. The winds could reach wind speeds of up to 130km/h over water.
The hurricanes gusts will offer a problem in shipping as the storm is expected to stay in the same place for a few days and thus pumps warm air to Germany again.
In some parts of the country, 30 degrees will be attained.
Hot start to the week with up to 30 degrees in Germany
Monday should have another 30 degrees and it will be hot along the Rhine. This will also be experienced in the rest of the country, the summer temperatures reach 25 – 28 degrees. Only towards the coast is it a bit cooler with values of around 22 degrees.
The weather will be warm with a bit of wind. “Peggy” is a large storm that builds up over the weekend and reaches a good 1500 kilometres in diameter. The wind peaks are also impressive. Up to 130 km/h are possible over water.
Summery, then stormy
Storm ‘Peggy’ is assumed to be harmless but will not remain as it was in the beginning. There will be occasional showers and thunderstorms from the southwest.
From Wednesday evening the wind will also pick up speed. There are first gusts of wind over the low mountain ranges.
According to Focus.de, on Friday it will probably be windy to stormy in the southwest. Here one can also assume that the wind speeds over the mountains reach 100 km/h. Storm gusts down to the lowlands are also not excluded.
Source: Focus.de