Travel to Germany: From August 1st, 2021, Germany tightened sanitary rules for coming into the country from abroad. These rules also apply to children:
Children must test negatove for the coroabirus when entering the country. This applies to all children aged 12 and over. The test does not need to be carried out by people over 12 years of age who are certified to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or who are convalescent.
Important: Entrants aged 12 years and over are generally required to have a certificate regardless of the mode of transport and regardless of whether they have previously been in a high risk area or virus variant area.
Entering into Germany with children:
When travelling to Germany, make sure that the country you are departing from does not belong:
- high risk area (Hochrisikogebiet);
- the area of occurrence of the mutation (Virusvariantengebiet).
The current list of risk areas is available in German and English on the website of the Robert Koch Institute .
For high-risk countries or for the coronavirus mutation, all persons 12 years of age and older have the following travel restrictions to Germany.
High risk area:
- Mandatory registration
- Negative test results, confirmation of convalescent status or proof of vaccination are required for persons over 12 years of age
As a rule, all persons entering Germany from a high-risk area must go to a 10-day quarantine. Quarantine may be shortened if a second test is performed 5 days after entry. Vaccinated persons and convalescents are not quarantined. For children under 12, quarantine ends automatically after 5 days.
Entering Germany with children from the mutation area (Virusvariantengebiet)
Entry to Germany from the mutation area is, as a rule, only possible for German citizens and residents of Germany.
All persons over 12 years of age entering from the mutation area must have a test result not earlier than 24 hours before entering Germany (PCR, LAMP, TMA 72h tests) and must go to a 14-day quarantine. It is not possible to shorten the quarantine.
There is no quarantine release for vaccinated and convalescent people.