Toilet paper price increase in Germany: People living in Germany will face a huge increase in the price of toilet paper, tissue and kitchen towels. The price increase was announced, among others, by big producers like Essity. Could there be a repeat of the beginning of the pandemic?

Germany has faced the highest inflation in years -drivers have felt it harder than most with fuel prices reaching record levels. Everyday items will soon become more expensive forcing residents of Germany to pay more for items like toilet paper, tissues and kitchen towels.
Prices could increase by up to 20 percent.
Toilet paper price increases in Germany. The reason for the logistics costs
Kronen Zeitung reporetd that drastic price increments are planned and one o fthe largets German producers – Essity is already on board. Essity is responsible for brands such as Zewa, Tempo and Tork.
” We as Essity will be forced to raise prices by a total of 20 percent to compensate for the increase in costs, ” announced Volker Zoeller, head of Consumer Goods at Essity. “What has been happening in our industry over the past few weeks is way beyond the norm.”
The company explained that the increment is mainly due to the increase in prices of raw materials and energy.
“Cellulose pulp prices in particular have taken off into space, ” explains Zoeller. Recently, however, there have also been problems with logistics at Essity. “ Logistics costs have quadrupled in some cases. This, of course has made the situation even worse. Should it not improve in the next few months then the price increase will therefore be inevitable “
The increase in the prices only takes a matter of time as the manufacturers have already started talks with retailers and only the formalities remain.
“ We have open contracts with most of our clients, so we can react faster. But long-term contracts also need to be adapted urgently, ”emphasised Zoeller. ” It is fairly certain that rising production costs will be reflected in the prices of goods on store shelves .”
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