People fasting sometimes make some common mistakes that may cause thirst and fatigue during Ramadan. Here, we review some of the habits that can be practised to reduce the fatigue of fasting.
We wrote about the timetable for the Islamic Holy month here for Ramadan in 2021, know dates and time.
1- Drinking large quantities of water for breakfast can tire the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is advised to drink a cup of water before eating, then another cup an hour later, and it is recommended that you drink cool water.
2- Having soft drinks with the assumption that they moisturise the body and aid in digestion, but they are in fact one of the causes of indigestion. Therefore, it must be avoided.
3- The multiplicity of items during breakfast and the large number of food lead to gastrointestinal upset, and therefore nutrition experts advise eating dates with a cup of curd and waiting for 15 minutes before starting eating. It is preferable to divide the meal into two meals; A light breakfast, a meal after Tarawih (extra prayers which Muslims read at night in the month of Ramadan) prayers, then a healthy snack for the suhoor (the meal consumed early in the morning by Muslims before fasting (sawm), before dawn during or outside the Islamic month of Ramadan).
4- Sleeping immediately after eating breakfast, which is due to a feeling of heaviness, and increases the problems of indigestion, so you must get rest at least two hours after eating.
Ramadan 2021 starts today in Germany, here’s the timetable for the Islamic holy month
5- Increase the number of sweets and Ramadan drinks with sugars and high calories, especially on the suhoor such as khakhashaf, Qamar Al Din, Muhallabia, Qatif and other drinks and sweets for the month of Ramadan, which leads to lethargy in the stomach movement and increases exhaustion and a feeling of thirst, so it is preferable to replace them with fruits, especially pineapples and bananas. .
6- Lack of interest in eating fruits as a snack between breakfast and the pre-dawn meal, knowing that fruit is one of the sources rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals, which makes it a healthy way to compensate the body for lost elements due to fasting, such as fibers that help avoid dehydration or constipation.
7- Eat spicy or salty foods at breakfast or the pre-dawn meal, as they cause an increase in the sense of thirst and increase the body’s retention of fluids, which leads to a feeling of fatigue and lethargy and helps to gain weight.
8- Excessive eating of fried foods and pastries that contain a high percentage of fats, such as sambousek, qatifah, kunafa and balah al-Sham, which leads to satiety and the feeling of extreme thirst and fatigue the next day ( more tips below).
9- Increase the amount of caffeine-rich drinks that cause frequent diuresis, and thus the body loses fluids without replacing it during the fasting hours, which leads to a feeling of fatigue and rapid fatigue.
10- Excessive exercise that requires strenuous effort such as jogging or brisk walking before breakfast, as it causes severe lack of body fluids and fatigue due to the very low level of energy, so it should be practised two hours after breakfast to get rid of the calories gained from eating breakfast.
Source: Abwaab