Update: On 2nd November 2022, German footballer Jerome Boateng was ordered to pay a fine of €1.2 million ($1.17 million), after a German court upheld his conviction of assaulting his former girlfriend in 2018. The Munich court confirmed he was guilty of the assault accusations, but due to the defendant’s drop in net income since the original sentence his fine was reduced. Initially, Boateng was sentenced to a fine of €1.8 million in 2021, which he denied and appealed.

The district court in Munich has found German- Ghanaian ex Bayern Munich player Jerome Boateng guilty. The star will have to pay his ex fiancee 1.8M euros in damages as compensation.
The footballer had stood for trail yesterday Thursday in Munich and was accused of beating and hitting his ex partner and the mother of his twin daughter Sherin Senler. They had been in an heated argument while on holiday in 2018 where she said he has punched her so hard, he lost breath for a moment.
Boateng denied the allegations and said a very different record of events to what his ex had confessed.
Under Germany’s domestic violence rule, he can face up tot 5 years in prison with heavy fines.
According to former partner of Jerome Boateng – Sherin Senler, the footballer was said to have used violence against her twice. The newspaper “Bild” reported that during the 2018 vacation, Boateng appeared to have thrown a “small glass candlestick” at his partner.
To the disadvantage of the footballer there is also evidence in the form of eyewitness accounts and the video shot. Jérome Boateng’s lawyers have consistently maintained that the allegations are based on unsubstantiated allegations.
Sherin Senler testified that Boateng had indeed pulled her hair by her head, insulted her during arguments and she had even lost breath for a moment.
What is Jerome Boateng’s sentence?
A court in Munich sentenced the footballer. Boateng will have to pay his former partner € 1,800,000 (€ 30,000 a day for 60 days).
The Polish model also accused him of beating him
A Polish model, Kasia Lenhardt, who committed suicide in her apartment in Berlin in February this year, also accused him of the assault and bodily injury. We wrote about it here: Bayern Munich player Jerome Boateng’s, model ex-girlfriend found dead a week after the couple announced their split
The body of 25-year-old Kasia Lenhardt was found on February 9, on the birthday of her 6-year-old son, in an apartment in Berlin’s Charlottenburg district. The Polish model parted ways with the Bayern Munich player at the beginning of February. They were together for over a year. After they broke up, they publicly blamed each other. We wrote about it here: Germany: Forensic doctor reveals the cause of death of Bayern player Jerome Boateng’s ex girlfriend Kasia Lenhardt
A few days after Kasia’s death, the prosecutor’s office in Munich resumed an investigation against the footballer suspected of attacking the woman.
Bild ”informed that the local law enforcement agencies decided to resume the investigation suspended a few months ago. Lenhardt accused Boateng of assault and bodily injury, but according to “Zeit” the investigation was suspended because the Polish woman did not want to testify against the player. According to Bilda, the document signed by Lenhardt and Boateng is now the basis for the reopening of the investigation.
– The proceedings were resumed because as part of the investigation into the death in Berlin, we received new information that could indicate a possibility of continuation of the case. The investigation is not over yet, prosecutor Anne Leiding told Bild.
After the death of a Polish woman, a document signed by Kasia and Jerome Boateng was found in her apartment, in which the woman undertook to “remain absolutely silent” about the relationship with the Bayern Munich player. This document forbade her from providing any information and not only from publishing text messages / e-mails or photos, but even ordered their deletion.
Kasia Lenhardt became famous in Germany after participating in the program “German’s Next Top Model”. The Polish woman reached the finals of the program, but ultimately did not manage to win. – took 4th place.
source: Bild.de, BBC.