Life in Germany. Heating allowance in Germany. Due to the inflation of energy prices in Germany, Germans are entitled to a special heating allowance lasting to the end of the year.
Many people are facing financial hardship due to the energy crisis in Germany. The federal government aims to relieve citizens as much as possible with a number of measures. This also includes the special Bürgergeld Citizenship Income Ordinance for 2023.
According to the Federal Employment Agency, the new bonus of up to 500 euros is aimed at people who find themselves in financial difficulties due to sharply increased heating expenses. Anyone unable to no longer provide for themselves in a month, can also apply for the bonus. It is important to note the heating surcharge is paid once.
What are the requirements?
According to the BA website, you can claim a one-off Citizen’s Allowance of 502 euros if they are unable to support themselves due to the high heating cost. (This may be the case if heating costs need to be paid late or fuel reserves need to be bought this month)
Applicants to receive the payment are required to:
- Have assets worth a maximum of 15,000 euros per person in a household
- Able to work atleast 3 hours a day
- Be a resident of Germany
- show that their income is not enough to pay the bills that have been issued to them. Must present evidence such as receipts and bills for high heating costs and proof of monthly income
When and where can I apply for a heating allowance?
Those who wish to apply for the payment of the exemption can submit an application on the portal of the Federal Employment Agency. This form of support is available throughout 2023 . We remind you that from January 1, 2023 Hartz IV was replaced by the new citizens’ income.
The request must not be made in the month in which the heating expenses or bills are due. It can also be done retroactively up to three months. For example, if you had to make a large additional payment in January 2023, you can still apply for assistance until April 2023.
Bürgergeld instead of Hartz IV
From January 2023, the Hartz IV benefit ceased to exist and was replaced by the Bürgergeld citizen income. Citizens’ income is only a basic security and beneficiaries should continue trying to return to the labor market. The new Bürgergeld benefit should compensate for rising inflation and energy costs.
From January 2023, the standard Bürgergeld rate has increased by €50 on average compared to Hartz IV and is:
- Children up to 5 years 318 euros per month.
- Children from 6 to 13 years old will receive 348 euros per month
- Children aged 14 to 17 are to receive €420.
- For couples living together, €451 per month is provided.
- 502 euros per month for single people.
Read also:
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source: Federal Labor Office