![Germany: Refugee Council to Host Conference on Deportations and Hate Speech 1 Refugee Council Members](https://afronews.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Refugee-Council-Members-1200x793.jpg)
Refugee Council to Host Conference. The Refugee Council’s in the Baden Württemberg region in Germany is expected to host annual summer conference on Saturday, July 13th 2024, in Stuttgart.
The Refugee Council announced that the conference is free and mainly for volunteers helping refugees. It will be a safe space for everyone attending. The conference is part of the “Active for Integration” project, funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, and Integration, with support from the State Parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Additional funding comes from UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe and the German Postcode Lottery.
“We put together an exciting and diverse program. The keynote speech will focus on Alarm Phone’s life-saving work. In two workshop sessions, you can choose from four workshops: family reunification, deportations to Iraq, family roles, and dealing with hate speech. In between, there will be plenty of opportunities for networking and conversations,”
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Voluntary Commitment – Projects & Networking
Three initiatives close to the Refugee Council will present their voluntary projects and touch on the topics they cover. Afterwards, there will be time to network and exchange ideas.
- Dilnaz Alhan introduces Pena.ger, an initiative offering free online advice for refugees in German, Kurdish, Turkish, and English.
- Jörn Stoltze talks about fighting increased user fees in shared accommodations (Zuflucht Association, Müllheim).
- Gabi Ayivi and Chibuzo Orame report on the situation in Nigeria, focusing on political conditions that force people to flee and the situation of returnees (Olileanya e.V.).
Workshop 1: “Can I bring my family to Germany?” – Basic knowledge on family reunification
The answer depends on your residence status in Germany. Maria Kalin will explain the legal basis for family reunification, especially for those who have been rejected in the asylum process but have obtained residence permits through other means.
Speaker: Maria Kalin (lawyer, Ulm)
Workshop 2: Iraq: Deportations to a country with a volatile security situation
Since mid-2023, restrictions on deportations to Iraq have been lifted, causing uncertainty for many Iraqis with temporary suspension of deportation (‘Duldung’). Lawyer Geraldine Trotzier will explain the changes, deportation requirements, and residence options. Oliver M. Piecha will discuss the current situation in Iraq and the problems of the “disputed territories” regarding Yazidis and other minorities.
Speakers: Geraldine Trotzier (lawyer, Heidelberg), Dr. Oliver M. Piecha (Wadi e.V.)
Workshop 3: Psychosocial dynamics in families with refugee experience
Sibel Koray will discuss the challenges families face when arriving in Germany, including changes in responsibilities and roles. The interactive workshop will include reflections, sharing experiences, and assessing concrete cases to better understand and support affected families.
Speaker: Sibel Koray (qualified psychologist, systemic family therapist, and supervisor)
Keynote Speech: A telephone provides support in distress at sea – the work of Watch the Med Alarm Phone
Conni Gunßer will talk about Alarm Phone, a network that helps refugees in distress in the Mediterranean via an emergency number. She will cover its origins, structures, coordination of rescue missions, contact with those affected, and the challenges faced. There will be time for questions and discussion.
Speaker: Conni Gunßer (Watch the Med Alarm Phone)
3:15 – 3:30 pm: Break
3:30 – 5:00 pm: Workshop Session II Choose a workshop from the following four, repeating the morning’s session:
- “Can I bring my family to Germany?” – Basic knowledge on family reunification
- Iraq: Deportations to a country with an unstable security situation
- Psychosocial dynamics in families with refugee experience
- Together against hate speech and fake news