Mayor of Halle Bernd Wiegand has already received the coronavirus vaccine, although he was not on the first vaccination group. The prosecutor opened an investigation into this.
In the case of premature vaccination against the coronavirus, the prosecutor’s office in Halle (Saxony-Anhalt) ordered a search of the office of mayor Bernd Wiegand. Wiegand is suspected of facilitating vaccinations for himself and others without the order in force in Germany, investigators said on Monday. It is possible that a crime of embezzlement has been committed, writes the daily Welt. Read on below

The vaccine entrusted to the city of Halle, and thus the accused, did not belong to him, but was subject to the legal requirements of the Coronavirus Vaccine Ordinance, the prosecution said in a statement. There is also a provision that any excess of vaccines should also benefit people only in the order provided for in the regulation.
Wiegand and at least ten city council members flouted the federal immunization ordinance. The mayor said he was vaccinated only because there was no candidate out of the pool of emergency workers and medical specialists who could be vaccinated.
The order of vaccination is clearly regulated by a regulation of the Federal Ministry of Health: people over 80 years of age should be vaccinated first in Germany, as well as women and men who, due to their work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, nursing homes or vaccination centers, are particularly exposed to infection.
In Germany, many people have already been vaccinated, even though it is not their turn yet. Such cases have occurred in at least nine federal states of Germany.
The German Patient Protection Foundation calls for out of sequence vaccination cases to be punished. “The cases of vaccination are revealed time and time again without justification,” said Eugen Brysch, a board member of the Foundation in mid-February.