Germany: A partial solar eclipse can be seen in the sky over Hamburg around noon today but you will need special protective googles. This is the first solar eclipse seen in six years.
The sky phenomenon will last arounf two hours when the moon in Hamburg moves up to 17 per cent in front of teh sun.
The solar eclipse then looks like the sun is missing a bit at the top.

Maximum obscuration of the sun around 12:30 PM
According to the Hamburg Planetarium, the solar eclipse in the Hanseatic city begins around 11.30 a.m., but is initially barely noticeable. The middle of the eclipse with maximum occlusion occurs at 12:34 p.m. The show ends around 1:34 p.m.
Do not observe without protective wear
Looking into the sun without special glasses is harmful to your eyes. If you want to observe the solar eclipse you should definitely use protective wear. DO NOT USE SUNGLASSES!!
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Planetarium Hamburg will be showing the eclipse live
If the weather permits, the planetarium will offer a commented live stream of the partial solar eclipse from 12 noon today.