In a stroke of good luck, a man found 150,000 euros in the kitchen cupboard after he bought a piece of furniture but what he did with the money is shocking.
Police spokeswoman, Astrid Kuchta, said that officials wrote to the seller of the furniture via the online sales platforms and the ex-owner answered swiftly. The man was commissioned by the 91-year old to sell the furniture unit.
The buyer from Köthen, who paid 240 euros for the kitchen, found two cash boxes with the cash hidden behind a drawer while cleaning. He immediately took the money to the police.
According to BZberlin the buyer said that he was glad that the right owner had been found. He himself remains entitled to a finder’s fee of 4500 euros that he added should benefit the youth housing project that he runs.
A Police spokeswoman shared that the 91-year old, who lives in a nursing home, was surprised at the sum. She also admitted that she reason she was unaware of the money is because her deceased husband used to take care of all expenses in their home.
The money is now with the responsible district court and the old lady has to provide proof of ownership for the money.