Entry to Germany in June 2022 – Germany relaxed restrictions on travel due to the decline in the number of coronavirus cases in Germany from June from June 1, 2022.
Tests and certificates of vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 will not be available throughout the summer holidays already required when entering Germany from abroad. However, the quarantine regulations for people returning from areas of the coronavirus mutation remain.
Entry to Germany in June 2022 – from June 1, tests and vaccination certificates will no longer be required.
Berlin, May 28, 2022 – German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach told journalists from the Funke Mediengruppe said that the government was suspending the 3G entry rule until the end of August.
From June 1, 2022, travellers returning to Germany and foreign tourists will no longer need to prove that they have been vaccinated, recovered or tested for Covid. The current regulations for entering Germany from abroad still require people over the age of 12 to have a Covid vaccination test or certificate. These regulations will expire on May 31 this year. Currently, people travelling by plane to Germany must have a covid passport to be allowed on board.
Germany will have stricter rules which now apply to people entering Germany from areas at risk of the virus. People entering Germany must go through a 14-day quarantine upon arrival even if they have been vaccinated or recovered from covid. This regulation is to be continued in the coming months.
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Coronavirus infections decrease significantly
The number of people infected with the Corona virus in Germany has been systematically decreasing. On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute reported 64,437 new infections with the Corona virus (86,252 infections were registered in the previous week) in one day.
Source: WA.de , Borkenerzeitung.de