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Kindergeld payment dates in July 2024: Funds to be transferred earlier

Kindergeld – Child benefits in GermanyKindergeld Payment in July 2024. In Germany, child benefit (Kindergeld) is a crucial social benefit received by many families. Payments are made monthly directly into the beneficiaries’ accounts. However, the exact payment date varies based on the last digit of the child benefit number. In 2024, each child receives €250 per month as family allowance, including those residing abroad. Here are the specific payment dates for child benefit in July.

Kindergeld in Germany in 2024

Child benefit ensures essential support for children’s needs. It provides financial assistance to parents, covering the costs associated with raising and educating their children, which can often be significant. In Germany, child benefit is a key component of family benefits, aimed at equalizing opportunities.
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In 2024, each child receives €250 per month as child allowance. Starting in 2025, the existing family allowance will be replaced by a new benefit called Kindergrundsicherung (basic child allowance). This change is expected to increase the monthly support to over €600 per child for some parents.

Kindergeld benefit is available to:

  • Children up to 28 years of age
  • Children in school up to 25 years of age
  • Unemployed children up to 21 years of age

Who can apply for Kindergeld?

A parent who has been legally employed in Germany for at least 6 months is eligible to apply for the Kindergeld benefit. Additionally, individuals who run their own business in Germany or are posted employees may also apply for the benefit.
Read also: Germany’s minimum wage to rise in 2024: What you need to know

Kindergeld payment dates in February 2024

Due to weekends and public holidays, beneficiaries should anticipate potential delays in child benefit payments throughout the year. In Germany, there is no guaranteed payment date for Kindergeld. Payment schedules are determined by the last digit of the Kindergeldnummer. Those with a last digit of 0 receive their payments at the beginning of the month, followed sequentially by those with last digits 1 through 8. Beneficiaries with a last digit of 9 receive their payments at the end of the month. Here are the expected payment dates for child benefit in July.
Read also: Citizen’s Income (Bürgergeld) 2024: What you need to know

  • Last digit: 0 – 4 February
  • Last digit: 1 – 5 February
  • Last digit: 2 – 8 February
  • Last digit: 3 – 10 February
  • Last digit: 4 – 11 February
  • Last digit: 5 – 12 February
  • Last digit: 6 – 15 February
  • Last digit: 7 – 18 February
  • Last digit: 8 – 19 February
  • Last digit: 9 – 22 February