Adult child benefit in German: Kindergeld allowance is also available for adult children in Germany. This also applies to adult children who live with their parents in Germany. Here’s how much you are entitled to and when you should receive it:

Here’s what you need to know:
- How much is Kindergeld Child Benefit in Germany
- Child benefit for an adult child in Germany
- Documents needed to apply for Kindergeld for a child aged 18 or over
- Submitting the application
How much is Kindergeld Child Benefit in Germany
Germany Kindergeld Child Benefit in 2021 :
Kindergeld is a monthly payment for each child. In 2021, the rates are as follows:
EUR 219 for the first and second child
EUR 225 for the third child
EUR 250 for each additional child.
Child benefit: up to what age is it paid
Kindergeld benefit is in principle:
– for all children up to the age of 18
– for children up to 25 years of age
– for unemployed children up to the age of 21
Child benefit for an adult child in Germany
Payment of Kindergeld Child Benefit ends when the child reaches the age of 18. If your 18th birthday falls on the first day of the month, your entitlement to unemployment benefit will expire on the last day of the preceding month. However, please note that if your child attends school, is in an apprenticeship or is studying, you are still eligible for Kindergeld, but you must submit a new claim.
Point to note: Adult children who are apprentices or studying Kindergeld are entitled up to the age of 25.
Documents needed to apply for Kindergeld for a child aged 18 or over
Under the law, child benefits will cease to be paid when they reach the age of majority. In order to extend the payment of the benefit, it is necessary to submit a new application and attach the relevant documents, that is:
– if the child is still learning, a certificate from the school or university should be submitted
– if the child is learning the profession, a certificate from the workplace is required stating the type of education and its duration
– if the child has a break in education due to the fact that for vocational training, a document must be submitted stating that the child applied for admission but received a negative answer
– in the case of children participating in a one-year social or environmental voluntary service, European Voluntary Service or Federal Voluntary Service, a certificate of volunteering must be provided.
– in the case of disabled children, the following should be submitted: a disability card or other official disability certificate indicating the impact of the disability on the child’s ability to perform paid work.
Submitting the application
An application for a Kindergeld must be submitted to the Family Benefits Office (Familienkasse) responsible for your place of residence.
More information on the conditions for receiving Kindergeld’s adult child benefit can be found here