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Bürgergeld payments in 2025: What you need to know

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Bürgergeld Amounts for 2025. Life in Germany. The payment rates for those receiving Bürgergeld, Germany’s social benefit introduced in 2023 to replace Hartz IV, have been announced. Bürgergeld is designed to offer financial support to unemployed individuals or those with low incomes, helping them cover essential living expenses like housing, food, and daily needs. The table outlines the benefit amounts for different groups, including singles, families, and children, for the upcoming year.

Bürgergeld Amounts for 2025 Revealed

Nearly five million Bürgergeld beneficiaries in Germany face disappointing news: there will be no increase in monthly benefits starting January 2025. This comes after a notable 12 percent boost in January 2024, when the basic rate for single individuals rose by €61. The substantial adjustment last year was made to address the rising cost of living.
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This year, changes in economic conditions have created a very different scenario. According to data from the federal government, the Bürgergeld rates will stay the same from January 2025, with no increase compared to last year.

BeneficiaryBurgergeld 2023Burgergeld 2024Burgergeld 2025
Single people/single parents502 euros (+53 euros)563 euros (+61 euros)563 euros (+-0 euros)
Couples (rate per partner)451 euros (+47 euros)506 euros (+55 euros)506 euros (+-0 euros)
Adults in facilities402 euros (+42 euros)451 euros (+49 euros)451 euros (+-0 euros)
Youth aged 14-17420 euros (+44 euros)471 euros (+51 euros)471 euros (+-0 euros)
Children aged 6-13348 euros (+37 euros)390 euros (+42 euros)390 euros (+-0 euros)
Children 0-5 years old318 euros (+33 euros)357 euros (+39 euros)357 euros (+-0 euros)

Why Bürgergeld Rates Will Remain Unchanged in 2025

The Bürgergeld is determined using a “mixed index” system, which factors in price changes (like food and energy) at 70% and wage growth at 30%. In 2025, prices in some areas dropped, which could have led to a decrease in the benefit amount. However, due to legal safeguards, the rates will stay the same.

This decision follows regulations designed to protect beneficiaries from reductions in their payments. According to the principle of protection for benefit amounts (§28a paragraph 5 SGB XII), Bürgergeld cannot be lowered, even if calculations suggest a decrease. This rule guarantees that recipients continue to receive at least the same amount as the previous year.