The first elected Nigerian-Italian Councillor in Italy Victoria Oluboyo is to address a Yoruba gathering in an event called Yoruba Day in Italy.

The stage is set for the first ever Yoruba Day in Italy scheduled for Saturday 4PM on 24th of September, 2022 at Viale Sergio Cavina, 4, Cap 40139 in Bologna, Italy.

The event is being organised to showcase the rich Yoruba cultural heritage and provide a forum for all Yoruba sons and daughters who are residents in Italy to not only to celebrate, but to also reflect on how to make the best of their sojourn outside the comfort of their motherland to take development to the Yoruba Nation.
The first elected Nigerian local politician, Victoria Oluboyo, will be addressing the group on integration and national development. Her win represents a new generation of Africans in Italy taking up positions in power and finding a voice for immigrants.
This all important event will also be graced by the Nigerian Ambassador to Italy, His Excellency, Mfawa Omini Abam, and other local and international diplomats.

The National President of the Yoruba National Community in Italy (YNCI), Prince Kolawole Oladele said , “We are a tribe that always love to reciprocate good gestures and detest attitude and behaviour that can tarnish the image of our country, anywhere we live.”
He added that this was part of the reason that informed the formation of the YNCI at a time some immigrants’ way of lives run contrary to what Yoruba people, and Nigerians as a whole, represent in Italy.
Mr Oladele added that the group meets regularly all around Italy to reiterate the need to reciprocate the good and kind accommodation and acceptance the Yoruba have enjoyed in Italy.

Another of our daughters, Ayomide Folorunso, is a national athlete that has represented Italy at various national and international competitions, among others.

“We use our culture to promote peace, responsible and responsive immigration and service to our community. This is why we invite all lovers of culture to come with us to enjoy this event.”