Working in Germany. Public holidays in Germany 2023. New public holidays are approaching in Germany. In April and May you will be able to benefit from many free days. In Germany, public holidays differ from state to state. There are those celebrated at the national level and holidays only in certain federal states . Here’s a list of holidays valid until the end of spring:
List of public holidays in Germany:
New public holidays in Germany 2023: What days off are in April?
Good Friday
Good Friday is one of the most important holidays for Christians. Catholic and Protestant Christians commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross on this day. This year Good Friday falls on April 7 . In Germany, Good Friday is a public holiday in all federal states.
Good Friday is a so-called ” silent holiday” in Germany, which involves some restrictions . For example, due to the ban on dancing, sports and dance events are not allowed. Markets and cultural events such as musicals, opera or theatre performances are also affected by this ban. However, the regulations may vary from federal state to federal state. In some federal states, dance events are already prohibited on Thursday, in other federal states, such as Berlin, the regulations are much more moderate.
The second day of Easter; Easter Monday
Easter Monday has an important meaning in Christianity. It is part of Easter, which is considered the most important and oldest church holiday in the Christian calendar.
According to Luke’s Gospel, Easter Monday was the first day after Christ’s resurrection. On that day, two of Jesus’ disciples went to Emmaus and were accompanied part of the way by Jesus, but the disciples did not recognise him directly. Then the disciples announced that Jesus had risen.
Easter Monday is also a symbol of hope and faith. The resurrection of Jesus Christ shows believers that life does not end after death and that there is always hope for a new life. Many Christians use Easter to reflect on their own hopes and dreams and to strengthen their faith. The day after Easter is a public holiday throughout Germany and this year it falls on April 10 .
Three days off in May
- May 1, 2023 , Monday – Labor Day ( Tag der Arbeit ) – non-working day throughout Germany;
- May 18, 2023 , Thursday – Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt ) – non-working day throughout Germany;
- May 29, 2023 , Monday – Pentecost (Pfingsmontag ) – non-working day throughout Germany.
National holidays at the land level
- April 9, Sunday – Easter Sunday in Germany – public holiday in Brandenburg
- May 28, Sunday – Pentecost (Sunday) – public holiday in Brandenburg
In order to better plan your time with your family, it’s worth taking a look at the leap days. If you act smart in the calendar year 2023, you will have twice as much free time.