Guides to living in Germany. Germany’s federal government set up a regulation that helps parents and single parents whose children are not cared for or can only attend school for a limited amount of time. Here’s how to apply for child sickness benefit (Kinderkrankengeld) and how much you are entitled to:
How many child sick days are parents entitled to?
From 2022, parents with statutory health insurance can apply for child sickness benefit for each child with statutory health insurance for 30 working days (single parents for 60 working days). If there are several children, each parent is entitled to no more than 65 working days, for single parents no more than 130 working days.
How much is the child sickness benefit?
The child sickness allowance is usually 90 percent of the lost net wages.
Where do I apply for child sickness benefit?
Parents can apply for child sickness benefit based off of their health insurance company.
How can I apply for the child sickness benefit (Kinderkrankengeld)?
To apply for it, you first need to get a certificate from your regular family doctor, stating that you cannot work due to the need to care for your sick child.
This form is known as the “Ärztliche Bescheinigung für den Bezug von Krankengeld bei Erkrankung eines Kindes” (medical certificate for receipt of sickness benefit in the event of a child’s illness). On the bottom or rear side of this form is a part that you need to fill out to apply for the sickness benefit. You need to provide details about your German bank account and your employer.
You then need to send both the doctor’s certificate and your signed application form to your employer and your health insurance company.
Your health insurer may also ask for a certificate of earnings from your employer, in order to be able to calculate how much sick pay you should receive.
The benefit will then be paid directly into your bank account.
What is the maximum age you can apply for the child sickness benefit?
There is child sickness benefit for every legally insured child up to the age of twelve. There however is no age limit for children with disabilities who need help.
Kinderkrankengeld: Can parents working from home apply for it?
Parents who work from home also have the option of applying for child sickness benefit (Kinderkrankengeld) instead if they need childcare.
Can parents who perform short-term work also benefit?
Parents on short-time work can also apply for the benefit if they are legally insured. Short-time work benefit and child sickness benefit may not be drawn at the same time.
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Source: bmfg