Kindergeld allowance in 2022: Kindergeld is a family allowance paid to everyone who has children and works in Germany. How much is Kindergeld in 2022? Who can apply and what are the pavement dates (auszahlungstermine)?
Kindergeld allowance in 2022: Who is entitled to receive child benefit in 2022?
A parent who has been legally employed in Germany for at least 6 months or who is self-employed in Germany or who is a posted worker can apply for the Kindergeld allowance.
The sum is sent to one parent and should there be several children present, then the individual amounts are paid out as one sum.
What requirements do I need to apply?
You are entitled to child support if:
- Your child is under the age of 18 (under certain conditions are you allowed to apply for and receive child benefit for adult children)
- You take care of your child regularly and he/she lives in your household (this also applies to stepchildren, grandchildren or foster children) and
- Your place of residence is in Germany, another EU country, Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland or Switzerland.
READ MORE: Germany: Permanent residence for minors and children born in Germany
How much is the child benefit?
In 2021, the Kindergeld increase was as much as EUR 15. On the federal government’s website, the increase in benefits in 2022 has unfortunately been cancelled. This means that the rates from 2021 will probably also apply.
Kindergeld is a monthly payment for each child. In 2021, the rates are as follows:
child benefit (monthly) | |
1st and 2nd child | 219 |
3rd child | 225 |
4th child and more | 250 |
Should you have several children, then their numbers determined the amount that you receive in total. You are still entitled to child benefit if the child does not also live with you.
You are also entitled to a greater amount should you have more than three children even if the child’s siblings live with the other parent.
Kindergeld allowance 2022. Up to what age is it paid?
In principle, Kindergeld is paid for:
– all children up to the age of 18
– children in education up to the age of 25
– unemployed children up to the age of 21.
An addition to the Kindergeld, what is the Kinderzuschlag?
Kinderzuschlag is a supplement to the Kindergeld child benefit and is paid monthly with it. The amount of the supplement depends on the family’s income. In 2022, it will be EUR 209 per month per child.
According to the Family Health Department, this will only apply if no decision is taken on a short-term increase in child benefit on 1 January.
How and when is the allowance paid (Auszahlungstermine)?
Kindergeld is paid by bank transfer to the bank account number indicated on the application. The date on which the allowance will be transferred depends on the Kindergeldnummer number, and more precisely on its last digit.
Kindergeld and alimony in 2022
From 2022, child support rates in Germany will increase. More money will have to be paid for both underage children and adults.
The Kindergeld must be deducted from the amount of the maintenance contribution . Half of the benefit is deducted from underage children, while the entire monthly Kindergeld amount is deducted from children aged 18 years or over.
Child benefit (Kindergeld) 2022: Payment dates (Auszahlungstermine) in Germany for child benefit
The Federal Employment Agency reported that this year (2022) child benefit and child allowance in Germany will be paid at the same time. The last digit of the respective child benefit number determines when the corresponding amounts are transferred to your account.
Child benefit digit end number: 0
- January 5th
- February 4th
- March 3rd
- April 5th
- May 4th
- June 3rd
- July 5th
- August 4th
- September 5th
- October 6th
- November 4th
- December 5th
Child benefit digit end number: 1
- January 7th
- February 8th
- March 4th
- April 7th
- May 6th
- June 8th
- July 6th
- August 5th
- September
- 7th October 7th
- November 7th
- December 6th
Child benefit digit end number: 2
- January 11th
- February 9th
- March 7th
- April 8th
- May 9th
- June 9th
- July 7th
- August 8th
- September 8th
- October 10th
- November 8th
- December 7th
Child benefit digit end number: 3
- January 12
- February 10
- March 8
- April 11
- May 10
- June 10
- July 8
- August 10
- September 9
- October 11
- November 9
- December 8
Child benefit digit end number: 4
- January 13
- February 11
- March 10
- April 12
- May 11
- June 13
- July 11
- August 11
- September 12
- October 12
- November 10
- December 9
Child benefit digit end number: 5
- January 14
- February 14
- March 11
- April 13
- May 12
- June 14
- July 12
- August 12
- September 13
- October 14
- November 11
- December 12
Child benefit digit end number: 6
- January 17
- February 15
- March 14
- April 14
- May 16
- June 15
- July 13
- August 15
- September 14
- October 17
- November 14
- December 13
Child benefit digit end number: 7
- January 18
- February 16
- March 15
- April 20
- May 17
- June 17
- July 15
- August 16
- September 16
- October 18
- November 15
- December 14
Child benefit digit end number: 8
- January 19
- February 17
- March 16
- April 21
- May 18
- June 20
- July 18
- August 17
- September 19
- October 19
- November 16
- December 15
Child benefit digit end number: 9
- January 21
- February 21
- March 18
- April 22
- May 20
- June 22
- July 19
- August 18
- September 21
- October 21
- November 17
- December 16
Source: Bundesregierung.de, Arbeitsagentur.de, Offentlicherdienst