Life in Germany. If you are travelling to Germany you might be worried about what the new Entry and Exit System (EES) means for travel and when it should be in effect, here’s what it means for those hoping to travel in and out of Germany:
The system has been in the works since 2013 and is due t come into effect in May 2023. This is despite the fact it has been postponed several times in the past.
The Local wrote that the EU’S new Entry and Exit System (EES) system has 4 stated claims;
- to improve and modernise border systems
- to reinforce security and aid the fight against crime and terrorism
- to help EU member states deal with increasing traveller numbers without having to increase the numbers of border staff and
- to systematically identify over stayers within the Schengen area (i.e people who have stayed longer than their visa or 90-day limit allowance).
The system doesn’t actually change any of the EU’s rules about travel, length of stay etc, but it will make enforcing them easier.
What is the EES?
The EES will change how passports are checked at the border. The first change is the addition of bio-metric data – in addition to the current details in your passport (name, DOB etc) the system will also record facial images and fingerprints of all passengers – so it will be similar to going to the US, where foreign arrivals already have to provide fingerprints.)
The second change is through recording onto the system complete details of entry and exit dates; how much of their 90-day limit (if applicable) people have used and whether they have previously had cases of refused entry.
Exactly how this applies varies slightly depending on your circumstances.
Where is the EES system enforced?
The EES is for EU external borders – if you are travelling between Germany and France nothing will change but if you are entering Germany from a non-EU country (including the UK) the new system comes into play.
Who does the EES apply to?
It applies to all non-EU citizens, including those who have temporary or permanent residency of an EU country. Dual nationals are exempt should they be travelling under their EU passport.
When will the EES be launched?
The current start date is May 2023.
What is the situation for Tourists?
For those coming coming for a short visit little will change apart from having to give fingerprints when they enter.
Tourist will also be told how long they can stay in the schengen area. For visitors from non-schengen -visa countries like the US, UK, Canada and Australia this will be 90 days.
Source: The local.de