The Gambia Elections: The forthcoming presidential elections in The Gambia scheduled for 4th December should mark the beginning of real change that will restore the country’ economy, strength, peace and unity.

Change that will give everyone the taste of the future and the desire for a common destiny.
The country is in a serious mess: Economic mess, democratic mess and social mess which lead to other messes in the lives of the ordinary people. Schools, hospitals, etc are all in pathetic conditions.
In December 2016, after defeating the former President Yahya Jammeh and bringing to an end his 22 years’ brutal dictatorship, Gambians had hopes for a better and prosperous country under the leadership of President Adama Barrow.
He was by then adored by all Gambians but along the way things changed and the transition government projects were all ignored because of greed.
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Transitional justice projects like the new Constitution was turned down, security and civil service reforms ignored and more importantly, the Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission’s recommendations totally abandoned.
The Gambia is facing difficulties in term of governance, but we need sound leadership that’s determined to work hard and help the country have a bright future.
I am convinced that while our dear Motherland is facing lots of challenges, a clear vision, coherent action and truth will help to regain confidence, put the country back on the right track and people’s needs catered for.
Young people in the country feel frustrated by President Barrow administration. During the last campaigns he made many promises which he never kept. This has led to an increase in insecurity and crime rates in the country.
Gambian young people are hardworking, energetic and creative. They must be trusted and empowered to become self-reliant.
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We need an urgent real change of leadership in The Gambia and democratic decentralisation. All Gambians should work together, vote in a new leader, and bring to an end President Adama Barrow’s term for failing to honour all his previous campaign promises to the Gambians.
The Gambia needs a real change of leadership for the benefit of all, a change where words turn into actions.
About The Author: Bakary Ceesay, is a German-based Gambian journalist and former news editor of The Voice Newspaper in The Gambia. He is the former Secretary General of The Young Journalists Association of The Gambia. In 2019 he was nominated as ‘Media Personality Of The Year’ in Wa Sa Halat Awards.