A Nigerian man travelling from Brussels was apprehended at the Vienna-Schwechat airport, in an attempt to smuggle cocaine and heroin into the country.
The man was already blown on September 19, 2020 during a joint control by the police and customs at the airport, and was targeted by authorities after being entangled in contradiction during a questioning at the airport. He was suspected of being a body packer by investigators, and with his consent was taken to the Donaustadt Clinic for a CT scan.
The investigators suspicion were confirmed when the CT scan confirmed the man had swallowed more than 200 packs of heroin and cocaine, all about 10 grams each.
The 45 year old Nigerian man in Germany put himself in danger after he had swallowed packets containing over two kilograms of heroin and cocaine. In such a situations if one pack was to burst open there would be no chance to help the packer.
READ MORE: Nigerian national arrested in Germany over theft, and drugs hidden in places you would not expect
The state police department of Lower Austria announced the case on Monday, and reveals the drugs seized from the smuggler was of high quality, and street value of almost half a million euros.
Upon further investigation, the smuggler is said to have been smuggled to Austria flights 29 times and still said to have other flight paths.
He has already been sentenced by the Korneuburg Regional Court to four years in prison.
Source: www.kleinezeitung.at, kurier.at/, Afronews.de.