Here’s how to reduce the risk of your food delivery person infecting you with the coronavirus through contact.
The coronavirus pandemic has led to the declaration of a lock down for most countries and hence the need for take-out has risen. Public places are to be avoided and many restaurants are being advised to discourage sit-in customers and instead have food delivered to people’s homes.
Coronavirus cannot be transmitted through food or food packaging, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration However, the risk can be much higher for delivery workers who have to travel and interact with a lot of people.
Here’s a guide to help you avoid coming into contact with the virus while still ordering your food.
Practice social distancing

A sure way is to avoid meeting the delivery person, in person. Minimize your contact with the individual delivering your food or your good. Some apps have the option to help limit person to person contact.
You can request your food be left at your doorstep or at a specific location where you can pick it up.
Some countries encourage their citizens to avoid handling money and this has led to increased online transactions. You are required to pay for the service remotely instead of issuing cash to the person.
Throwing out packaging

While it is not confirmed if the virus can be passed on by handling packaging that has been in contact with an infected person it is highly advisable that you don’t put yourself at risk.
Many centres for disease control advise that there is a risk of getting the coronavirus by coming into contact with the surface that the virus has been on so it is best to discard the packaging your takeout comes in for your own safety.
If you should receive your food then it is best you wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
It’s probably good practice to avoid using the containers and utensils that the food came in (some experiments indicate that the virus could possibly remain viable on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on plastic for up to three days) and use your own instead
Do not forget to wash your hands

It is proven that the COVID-19 is spread through contact with the virus and one of the best ways of managing it is washing hands. Always remember to wash your hands after contact with the delivery person and your food/good once it is with you.
Always wear a mask

One thing that has been stressed on, but not enough, is the wearing of masks. This could prevent one from spreading the virus or contracting it through a sneeze or a cough.
Wearing the past covers your nose and mouth from any contact with the virus and it has been advised in public that one should wear one too.
Your delivery person probably gets in contact with a lot of different people so it just becomes a good safety guide to wear a mask when they are serving you.
Remember your food delivery person is putting themselves on the line for your tasty treat.
Try to leave a tip if you can

If you should want to leave a tip we advise sending cash to your delivery guy directly or leaving out something for them on your entrance or in an envelope so that you avoid that person to person contact.
A lady in the US decided to be leaving out snacks for her delivery persons after she saw a neighbor doing the same and the video went viral over how happy he was. Appreciate the service workers who are still working to make sure you stay safe at home.