Zimbabwean writer and filmmaker Tsitsi Dangeremba received the prestigious German Peace prize Sunday in honour of her work.

AP news wrote that she ‘called for a sense of ‘new enlightenment’ saying a fundamental shift is needed to overcome the structures of the racial hierarchy that have led to violence in her home country and across the world.’
Tstitsi at St. Paul’s church in Frankfurt added that what was necessary was that there needed to be a change in thought patterns word by word, consciously and consistently over time and to persevere until results are seen in the way things are done and the outcomes of people’s actions.
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Tsitsi Dangaremba becomes the first black woman to win the Peace Prize of the German book trade which is endowed with 25,000 euros and has been awarded since 1950.
She gave a few remarks that regarded her hometown’s colonial past and the various forms of violence white colonialist inflicted on its black inhabitants between the 19th and the 20th century.
Zimbabwe continued in violence up until its Independence in 1980.
Source: AP news