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Sunset Club, a new Afro entertainment venue opens in Berlin

Lovers of Afro music in Berlin have a reason to rejoice as a brand new entertainment venue opens in the city.


Sunset Club Berlin will be officially launched on 6th August 2016 with a big party featuring DJ Pato from Köln, DJ Aisha from Berlin and DJ Mike dubbed the Rumba specialist.

“Sunset Club Berlin will be the home of pure afro entertainment,” the club owner Joshua Okoth Agutu said. “We finally have a special afro entertainment venue for us all.”

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Mr Agutu promised that the “DJs will make you dance and merry all night long,” adding that their team was “waiting to give you the best.”

Mr Joshua Okoth Agutu
Mr Joshua Okoth Agutu

Sunset Club Berlin is located on Bachstr (S-Bogen 475), 10555, Berlin. It is directly under Tiergarten S Bahn station.

The Grand Opening Party will kick off at 21:00. Come ready to dance to Afrobeat, Rumba, Mugithi, Salsa, Ohangla, Genge, Bongo and many other tunes.

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