Racism in Germany: A survey conducted by AFROZENSUS showed that racism and discrimination against black people in Germany is widespread. This is especially in sectors like education, housing market and healthcare.

What was the result of the Afrozensus survey?
The results of the census revealed that anti-black racism is widespread in Germany and anchored in many institutions. Nearly two-thirds of the people, a whooping 67.9 percent that participated in the survey said they received lower grades than their other classmates due to racial attributes in both school or university.
A recent press release by the conductors of the report said, “There is no area of life in which discrimination and racism are not extensive problems.”
Most black people said that even though they face extensive racism in most fronts in society, the one space they are most discriminated in is the housing sector. 83.4 percent of the respondents with African/Afrodiasporic parents said they experienced immense discriminatory treatment.
The Afrozensus survey also indicated that 66.7 per cent of the respondents agreed with the statement ,’My doctor does not take my complaints seriously.’
The researchers said in their report: “The results of the #Afrozensus indicated that anti-Black racism (ASR) is widespread in Germany and entrenched in institutions. Criminalisation, exoticisation, and sexualisation are just three of the many patterns through which anti-Black racism is characterised and experienced by many respondents.”
Other more prominent spaces where they experience racism and discrimination is when they were pulled over by the police for no reason and many of them asked if they were selling drugs.
READ MORE: Germany: AFROZENSUS survey launched to showcase racism in Germany
A staggering 88 percent of respondents had experienced racial profiling by security staff ‘often’ or ‘very often’, while 85 percent said that they had experienced the same by the police.
The discrimination is also very visible in the work place.
The local.de wrote that, ’80 percent said people had made comments about the colour of their skin or sexualised comments about their race on dating apps. A vast majority – 90 percent – also revealed they hadn’t been believed when they’d spoken out about racism in the past, or that people had said they were “too sensitive”.
What is ‘Afrozensus’ and why the survey?
The #Afrozensus or “afro census” initiative was created to showcase black people in Germany and Afro Germans. Black people are the most visible minority in Germany but they end up being the ones who experience racism the most or to the greatest extent, and all this goes without notice.
The aim of this initiative was to obtain as comprehensive a picture as possible of the experiences of people of African decent in Germany (afro-germans). How do they assess their lives and what they expect from politics and society.
The “#Afrozensus 2020” survey was conducted by Berlin-based group Each One Teach One together with Citizens for Europe, through online interviews with nearly 6,000 Black, African, and Afro-diasporic individuals in Germany.
The Afrozensus survey has shed light on what it means to be discriminated and what groups face racial discrimination and racism in Germany, but this is still very far from tackling anti-Black racism and ensuring the empowering of black, African and Afrodiasporic people.
Source: thelocal.de, Yenisafak, Afrozensus.de