Germany vaccination: The death of a 12-year-old boy from Cuxhaven shocked many in Germany. The boy died on the 15th of October just two days after receiving the BioNTech/Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
Since death occurred shortly after the boy received a COVID-19 vaccination, the public health authority decided to commission an autopsy.
The results were released Monday and they were valid.
According to a statement by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (EP), the cause of the 12-year-old child’s death was “a particularly serious, vaccine-independent, pre-existing heart disease.”
The mother to the boy, Annika W.,told German news media BILD that Jason had died suddenly in his room and that the father had found him in dead in his bed. He called an ambulance but by the time the rescuers had arrived it had been too late for any help for Jason.
Jason († 12) died two days after receiving the second dose of the vaccine. He was wheelchair bound and suffered from osteoarthritis hence his immune system was severely weak.
Kai-Uwe Bielefeld, County Governor of Cuxhaven, expressed his deep condolences to the deceased boy’s family. He stressed that even if the autopsy results were already known by the public it did not diminish the pain felt by the parents and other loved ones.
Deep condolences were expressed to the boy’s family by the head of the Cuxhaven County Health Department.
“We are dealing with a particularly tragic case,” said NDR Kai Dehne. “From a purely statistical standpoint, serious vaccine side effects that lead to death are extremely rare, but the affected family is destroyed.”
Source: BILD