Easter Holiday in Germany in 2023. Restrictions during Good Friday. Germany has special rules and regulations on public holidays and those found in violation face fines. This also applies to children. Here’s all you know.
This is not allowed on public holidays
According to the German constitution (Article 140 of the Basic Law), Sundays and public holidays are days of rest and is strictly enforced
Article 140 of the Basic Law states: “Sunday and state-recognised holidays are protected by law as days of rest from work and spiritual uplift.”
This means on all Sundays and public holidays in Germany, it is not allowed to switch on the vacuum cleaner and other loud household appliances, to hammer nails, to run drills, to mow the grass and to trim bushes. When inviting guests to the house, you can not turn on the music loudly. It is also necessary to ensure that the sounds of feasting and conversations do not reach the neighbors’ apartment.
There are known cases of imposing high fines on people who organized a barbecue in the garden or a birthday party for children on Sunday. On religious holidays, known as “silent holidays”, additional rules apply, according to which no dancing parties are allowed. Television stations should not air movies on the “Christmas Banned Movies” list.
This is not allowed on Good Friday
This year Good Friday falls on April 7. According to the Morgenpost, ban on organizing dance events will apply in the following period:
- Baden-Württemberg: from Maundy Thursday, 18:00 to Holy Saturday, 20:00
- Bavaria: Maundy Thursday, 2 a.m. to Holy Saturday, midnight
- Berlin: Good Friday, from 4:00 to 21:00
- Brandenburg: Good Friday midnight to Holy Saturday midnight
- Bremen: Good Friday, from 6:00 to 21:00
- Hamburg: Good Friday, 2am to Holy Saturday, 2am
- Hesse: Maundy Thursday, 4 a.m. to Holy Saturday, midnight
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Good Friday, midnight, to Holy Saturday, 18:00
- Lower Saxony: Maundy Thursday, 5 a.m. to Holy Saturday, midnight
- North Rhine-Westphalia: from Maundy Thursday, 6:00 p.m. to Holy Saturday, 6:00 a.m.
- Rhineland-Palatinate: from Maundy Thursday, 4:00 a.m. to Easter Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
- Saarland: Maundy Thursday, 4 a.m. to Holy Saturday, midnight
- Saxony: Good Friday, from midnight to midnight
- Saxony-Anhalt: Good Friday, from midnight to midnight
- Schleswig-Holstein: Good Friday, 2:00 a.m. to Holy Saturday, 2:00 a.m.
- Thuringia: Good Friday, from midnight to midnight
These films are not allowed to be viewed on Good Friday
The German Film Classification Authority (FSK) has drawn up a list of films banned on Good Friday and other ‘quiet holidays’.
The Terminator, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Ghostbusters cannot be shown in Germany on Good Friday. The ban also applies to comedies, such as: “Man Band” with Louis de Funès, “Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja” with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill or “Police Academy”. Action movies like “Mad Max” and the satirical movie “Life of Brian” are also banned. Films for children were also blacklisted. Among them were such films as: “Max und Moritz”, “Lotta zieht um” and “Heidi in den Bergen”.
Here’s when ‘days of silence’ apply
These are the days of silence:
- Ash Wednesday
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday
- November 1 – All Saints Day
- Volkstrauertag (national day of remembrance)
- Totensonntag (Eternity Sunday)
- Day of Prayer and Penance
- December 24 – Christmas Eve
Read also:
Easter holiday in Germany in 2023: Calendar of holidays in each federal state
Easter greetings in German that you should know – with English translations
German Easter Traditions: How to celebrate Easter in Germany
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Source: Morgenpost.de